Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Ultimate Adrenaline Rush

So, I guess now that you know the mystery of slow updates I'm entitled to do them more often :P

So well, home improvement efforts were kinda hard the past few days. It's getting better now, I almost have a decent bedroom. That's for another post though.

Today it's gonna be about the ultimate adrenaline rush. Even though the past few days have been packed with fun (it snowed for the first time in Redmond), including 270 degree spins with my car in the snow (nothing to worry about) today I had the ultimate adrenaline rush. _THE_ ultimate.

I'm in Canada right now with the Microsoft shipping party. Having loads of fun and will post more about that later. For now I'll just leave you with a first for me and the blog.

Below you'll find a link for a video that you can stream to watch what the ultimate adrenaline rush is. I am just hoping it's not too prohibitive bandwidth wise for you guys. Tell me if it is and I'll disclose more information verbally :)

For now, enjoy the vid here :)

Mom, I know you might freak out when you see this. It's totally OK, just remember I lived to post it ;). I'm doing great and having loads of fun.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that looks like a lot of fun :)

I hope that you spend more time talking about your experience so far in US and Microsoft.

How difficult/easy it's going, etc.
How different things are in such a huge beast like Microsoft?

And I wish you all the fun :)

Christian said...

It _is_ a lot of fun indeed.
Will do isa, All in good time :)

But you never signed your name :)

Anonymous said...

It's Ramy (the anonymous who posted above)

I'm kinda new to your blog...
But considering my awful gloomy mode, you can say that I've read it all from the first post (yeah, I found your blog to be a great refresher) :)

I'm in the IT thing as you are, and your adventure (if I can use the term) in the US and Microsoft is very interesting to me.

That's why I asked you for more posts about your feelings about the whole thing.

And again, I wish that all the fun keeps hitting you in loads and loads :)

Anonymous said...

Wooow, that video is just SOO COOL :D
I know the feeling, the hardest part is jumping off ! Not to mention the free u a funny feeling in ur tummy :D But we can't argue, it's a must try and I'm glad u did it ;) 7amdella 3al salama ya man :D

Christian said...

hehe allah yesalemek!
I knew about the fuzzy tummy thing too, like when descending quickly in an elevator. But you know, this is different. You get so scared that for a moment there you feel "stoned" You can't even feel your tummy, and you hold your breath and it's like the world has stopped all around you. Even your brain seems to stop and just pause at the snapshot of the view from up above. I am sure if it lasted longer you'd get the funny tummy feeling though. That's why skydiving is coming next isa :D