Thursday, December 27, 2007

Smile! You're in a 3rd world country!

First of all, I really don't mean the title, or the post for that matter, to sound condescending (if you don't know what condescending means, we have nothing to worry about). If there's one thing I've learnt, it's that there rarely is genetically or categorically "bad" people. The system (or lack thereof) produces the people and their defining traits (as a people).

If you've been outside this (or any other) country for an extended period of time (anything more than six months will do), things get pretty interesting when you go back. You start seeing things as if they were completely new to you (unless you have extraordinary memory). You don't otherwise get a chance to see things in your city anew because you grow up in it.

One of the very first things I've noticed the first time I walked on the streets in Cairo is the people, more specifically the faces of the people.
No one is smiling! Absolutely no one!
I've wondered since then what makes people on the streets smile in Seattle when they cross paths with a stranger, after all, it should be lack of this thing, whatever it is, that makes people frowny on the streets of Cairo.
And I found out the hard way.

Yesterday, I went to take my car to run a few errands, only to find it with a flat rear left tire. It was obvious someone had done it, because the tire had not been leaking and both cars in front of and behind mine had the same rear left tire deflated.
While changing the tire, a passerby tipped me off.

I'd parked it by the school wall (there is a school across from my place) and apparently, the school bus drivers don't like it when someone does that (parks on the street around the school). So they deflate the tires to "teach them a lesson"...
That's not the sad part, the sad part is that there is nothing you can do about it...

Why would you smile walking around in a country where you have no rights, be it property, human, or otherwise?

At least I found my/an answer.


Anonymous said...


I do believe you need to go back to the states !

Don't get me wrong, but your negative thoughts and writings aren't good for anything !

I -myself- am living most of the time abroad. And I do experience lots of problems when I go back to Cairo.

But still, focusing solely on the negative stuff would bring you nothing but..hmm..more negative stuff !

I'd wish you could use your stay in Egypt to enjoy the stuff you can't find anywhere else.

Man, go grab a glass of Homos el Sham on the Kournish or something :)

All the best.

Christian said...

I did (go back) :)

My negative thoughts and writings are just as good as my positiv thoughts and writing, that is to say they're both good for nothing so...

I did not solely focus on negative stuff, and I did use my vacation to enjoy what I can't anywhere else, ro7na 3al kournish we a3adna 3al ahwa and most important of all saw all my friends and family.
But that all, has nothing to do with venting on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

You'll never know how much such writings has negative effects on people. And please do not tell me you are facing the truth, We know the truth better than you or anyone, it is you who forgot the truth.
Many things are negatives in Egypt, we try to face them all fix those things we can, try to work around those we can't fix, face those we have to face!! Enjoy our land and our life no matter how hard it is.
You are far away now, you left it, so leave it for those who live in it. Come as a tourist and you'll enjoy, ignore the negatives as it will not affect your life and do not tell me it will affect because in this case you are just trying to say you are Egyptian. Well you are keep in your passport.
I would appreciate if you said, how far you were happy to meet those who you missed etc... but sadly the first thing you blogged about was negative thing, as if you were just waiting to face the negatives.
Nothing personally Chris, same message I wish to tell to everyone who just mentions negatives while they are far away from it.

Christian said...

What truth did I claim to know or face?
Who is the "we" who know that truth?
What are you talking about?

What does it mean to "leave it for those who live in it", you sound like I ate a piece of your cake.

Who said I'm after your appreciation of my writings? Why am I obliged to *you* to write about anything?
What did I do to take away from "your enjoyment of your land and life"?

I am not sure why you felt compelled to comment on my post, I tried but I really can't make any sense of it. I gather that you're upset by my post but I'm not sure why.

In any case, thanks for stopping by.

Nag said...

and also, its not in ur passport anymore ;)

so ya3ni enta malak w malna?? erga3 le baladak amrika yala :P

Christian said...

koly wara2a