Monday, August 14, 2006


I know it's long overdue but somehow whenever I decide to blog I end up doing something else... I assume this is a good thing (that I'm busy with other stuff) but I also promise I'll keep on blogging (even if just photos :P).

Anyway, I just have a quick question, does the blog layout show correctly on your computer? Ever since I modified it to be wider so that I can post bigger photos inline it's been showing up great on my laptop but kinda funny on my desktop. Is it just my desktop?

Appreciate the feedback!


Mohamed Moshrif said...

It's ok on my desktop

Anonymous said...

Mmm… interesting! I was thinking about the very same thing as I was on my way to work this morning! I guess that the more I blog the more I worry about myself! Really! Spending the afternoon in front of the keyface means that in a couple of years I could die at my place and no one would even notice! lol! However, your blog page is ok on both of my desktops home and at work. So there you go double feed back for the price of one! :D

Anonymous said...

How exactly 'kinda funny'?
I have a black line in the top, almost all the way over to the right, then it turns white, dunno if that is supposed to be like that. And the round corners look a little like they were made in paint. Let me know if you want a pic of it :)

Christian said...

Thanks pinky (or was that da brain?), and well, it's two of you guys on the same profile so I expected the double feedback anyway :P

Danish beauty! You still come around, I'm honored :) Well the way it looks on my desktop is that I get some yellow spots in the middle of the blue backgroun in the page... It's kinda weird. I'll probably look for a good template and change this one altogether.

Christian said...

And, of course, thanks meshref for your feedback :)

yasmin said...

Hi Chris! Well we don't really know each other, but I do like your blog, and am disproportionately happy to see you posting something new. I'm Yasmin, Mostafa's... (ahem) ex.

Anonymous said...

its normal at my pc too :)
u have a good blog, keep posting

Carol said...

I do have the same thing here on my PC, (formerly your PC:P), the yellow spots on the blue background, since the post entitled "Rebel", may be it has something to do with you:P

I just read the post, i know iam late but i thought you could use some "late feedback" for you to know you still have the same problem:D
Cyou, :-*