Tuesday, May 10, 2005

200Km/hr! Woohoo!

A very quick post just to celebrate :D

Yesterday night, I did 2 things that I wanted to do for a long time now. I went to "El Ain El Sokhna" and I drove at 200Km/hr in my baby Corsa.

It was 10pm a couple of my friends called saying they were headed for the beach side resort to have dinner by the sea side and that they'll be back in a couple of hours. El Ain El Sokhna is around 120Kms from here (Cairo). So of course, I went on board, left work at 10:45pm, picked up a friend of mine and we were on the road 11:45pm, less than 40 minutes later we were there, enjoyed the sea breeze, had dinner and then we were on our way back. I enjoyed it immensely :))
I timed my journey on the way back right from the road entry gate till the Cairo gates, the distance was 88.2Kms and it took 33 minutes ( and a few seconds ;) )

So well, that's it for now, I just wanted to celebrate by posting :D I'll be off for a very long day at work now.

Godspeed ;)


voicy said...

It is a very nice highway, I drove through it just after it was opened, so straight, wide and only one radar unit that you can see clearly, dunno if they removed it now or what :P
I just wanted to try the road but as I reached there I had no gas left so I had to exit and refuel and then get back and pay another toll..i had only 15 LE so I had to fuel it with only 5 LE for the whole 120 KMs, I was lucky the car didn't need more :) -daewoo matiz

Christian said...

lol, yeah the matiz is very nice on fuel consumption. I don't think I can manage any more than 70Kms or so on 5 liters (on the highway travelling at 90 or 100Km/hr for optimal consumption).

Travelling at 160-200Km/hr for the way to and back (240Kms) she (the corsa) drank around 35 liters :D

voicy said...

yes the matiz was a real sweet car till i had the unfortunate accident, the car got wrecked and i stopped driving :(
Anyways, it was my sister's :)
I wouldn't buy a matiz anyway, the motor isn't that good nor the body is that tough.
What about the corsa, is it good? expensive? you recommend others to buy it?

Christian said...

As a matter of fact I do.
Check this out for details :)