Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Google me

Well, I've been collecting some visitor stats recently, of people who browse my blog here. The findings have been insightful to say the least.

To my surprise, I found out that some of my blog entries (the ones about Microsoft interviews) are now in fairly advanced places on google and yahoo search engines. I am definitely amazed by the speed those guys crawl the web and index content.
So at the moment of writing, my blog posts come up at no. 21 on google and 16th on yahoo, searching with the phrase "microsoft sdet interview questions" (without the quotes)

Now even more suprising is what I found out today while checking the visitor log.....
I found visitors from Microsoft's redmond campus, the visitors apparently were searching for keywords "microsoft interview questions" on technorati (a blog search engine) when they stumbled on my humble blog.

I'm impressed to say the least.
Impressed with the speed of indexing that today's search engines has come to, and even more impressed by how much attention Microsoft pays to its hiring process. They're actively searching the Internet for what people are saying about them and their interviews, that definitely says something.

And I think interviewees should also think about this. If you're out looking for Microsoft interview questions with answers, now you should know better. MS probably knows already about questions you'll be able to find.

I post my experience here so that future interviewees (or the curious) would know what to expect from an MS interview. The questions serve as examples, don't expect to get the exact same questions, rather something "along the line". Don't look for answers and memorize it, you have no idea how much it shows during an interview if you're just reciting a canned answer.
All interviews are more like a discussion than a question-answer thing, and you rarely get to the optimal answer right away, rather you follow a line of thought with help and hints from an interviewer. Blasting out optimal code instantly in response to a question could only mean you'd seen it before, not that you're a genius.

Hopefully, I'll be back with more stuff about the rest of the interviews soon.

What do you think of the new "Read more" format for entries? :)


Christian said...

I messed up the template for a while and provided 2 different commenting facilities. I fixed it now and am using blogger's built-in commenting instead. Nevine had posted comments in the other section so I'm including them here:
Nevine said:
Ok, since you asked, "knowledgeable" is spelled wrong in the Microsoft Interview summmary...When you drop the 'e' after the 'g' and add the 'able' it turns the 'g' into a hard 'g' as in gable.

I'm sure there are other small errors elsewhere in the blog that prove that you too are not infallible...but it's just an assumption

Cheers, and thanks for the hospitality.

And then Nevine said:
So, with your visitor stats collecting mechanism did you already know that I had dropped by before my confession?

Am I being watched???

Christian said...

lol @ nevine.
Well not in a big brother sort of way, but in a sense you are. Don't panic though.

To tell you the truth I'd just recently installed it, like 3 days ago.

I do get the ip (which automatically means city, ISP, and country), some system stats (browser, OS, monitor resolution), and the referrer URL, which is non empty if the user is visiting as a result of clicking another link (so that I know how people knew about my blog and where the most effective ads were placed ;) )

On another note, thank you so much for the correction :D I'm definitely not infallible, I just try to get close (a)

Thank you for dropping by, I hope you enjoy your stay, and let us enjoy your participation :)

Christian said...

So looking at the stats I can tell that your isp is Sympatico Hse, located in Ontario, Toronto, Canada.

You're using WinXP with 1024x786 resolution and your browser of choice is Firefox 1.0.4 (great taste btw).

Your visit lasted 16 mins 57 secs (not very accurate)

And you still haven't memorized or bookmarked my blog so you use my signature on karembu's blog to reach here :D

Hope I didn't make anyone uncomfortable *angel face* ;)

Nag said...

Christopher (as i call him),


The forces of the dark will head-hunt you.. they will try to recruit you...

It _is_ Big Brother big time!

Christian said...

Yes nevine, the referrer URL have disappeared now :)

But the IP still says Sympatico Hse, Ontario. Weirdly enough.

Nagaiaia, you're scared? That's nothing, with the ip and time of visit one could contact the ISP (who collects logs of which user was assigned which ip at what time) and get information about the identity of the user, the user information with the phone number and everything. All this could be known about you when you just open an innocent browser window and type a URL... Amazing...

Of course, law (in places other than Egypt) would require the ISP not to disclose the information without a court order or something. Or at least not disclosing it to individuals. But in theory at least, the information is there, and traceable.

Nevine, I find your comment in the gossip thread very insightful, but I guess I should reply back there about that.

Christian said...

My post is now in 20th place on google... It went up 1 place since I posted this. Very weird I thought these things were fairly static.. In the sense that it takes a long time to change..

Milad said...
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