Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Geek, Geekier, Geekiest

Let me state the obvious first, I (surprise!) have changed the template. This one looks better imho and it isn't messed up on some computers like the other one was after I'd tried to make the post pages wider and messed it all up. Ironically this one is just as narrow as the old one was before I messed it up, so I'm back to square one. Anyway, just let me know if something is (not?) broken with the change.

I've always been a supporter of the cool geek concept. I believe that being a geek doesn't have to carry the negative connotations it does, it makes me sleep better at night you could say. In that vein I have some of the geekiest confessions to make.

One day this week it just hit me that I dreamt of Windows Vista the previous night. I had dreamt that Microsoft "called it off" and the whole company was in jeopardy because of the announcement. This has got to be one of the geekiest things that happened to me, or maybe even to anybody. Don't ask.

I happen to have another confession in the same vein that I've kept a secret for a long time.
Sometimes, in real life, when someone says something really funny, instead of laughing I find myself "LOLing". That is actually saying the word 'LOL' instead of actually doing the act and laughing out loud. Weirdly enough people didn't seem to notice the 3 or 4 times I've done that. Apparently few people actually listen to me, not that it's a bad thing.

There, I said it all. Got Geekier?


Anonymous said...

Chris in his new look,

This is the most LOLing thing I have heard this week! I googled geeky dreams, turns out that lots of people blog about the same phenomena “geeky dreams”! Some were even wondering if geeks see electric sheep! :D I would engage in any recreational activity if I were you, though!

Christian said...

3obalek ya pinky (for the new look) :P Not that you need it or anything (A)

It is comforting to know I'm not alone... Although I always regarded the ship thing as stupid anyway. The darned things keep me awake instead of putting me to sleep, I keep on counting all the "hidden" sheep behind others and even pause the image for a while to get an accurate count before I continue with the rest of the herd.
Oh well.... Winter is here so maybe I'll try skiing or snowboarding.

yasmin said...

Hey Chris, your geek confessions put Jerry Springer's to shame! And everyone knows it's cool to be a geek. Ok, not everyone. But you should really read Microserfs already... geekiness has never been cooler.

Tiny said...

-geek, geekier, the geekiest...
used in a secntence it would be "Chris is the geekiest"
The point is: use 'the' before the superlative form

-Cool geeks? kafa2a(y)!

-Love the new look, always been a supporter of darker layouts.
