Sunday, July 24, 2005

Canon S2 IS

I'd wanted to get myself a digital camera for some time but was waiting till I relocate. Various factors however made me take the decision to get one right now, so I got a Canon Powershot S2 IS, and I love it. It's just brilliant, the 12x optical zoom comes in amazingly handy, the image stabilization functionality makes sure you can use the zoom effectively with less fear of photos coming out blurred due to camera shake, and the photos come out looking great as long as I'm not using ISO200 or 400 speeds. If you're like me into photography and shopping for a digital camera (non SLR) I highly recommend it. It's not for someone who just wants to point and shoot though, as it takes some working to get perfect results.

So here goes some photos I'd taken with this excellent piece of kit:
(You can click on the images for a larger version)

Color Fest
Color Fest

Years of technology
Years of technology
I'd changed this one to black and white and increased the contrast for a slightly more dramatic effect, although I usually like to leave my photos without any digital processing.


Using the optical zoom I was able to go "inside" the wave to capture this splash while sitting at the shore.

Pushing it just to demonstrate the zoom, I used the full 4x digital zoom plus the 12x optical zoom for a combined 48x zoom to get this photo of the moon, it was very surprising to me to see the lunar details apparent in this photo


Anonymous said...

WOW SUPER PHOTOS .. the moon photo and the splash ones are super super super.

From where, how expensive is the camera. How does it perform in the shutter speed and lag ?

Christian said...

Thanks Mostafa!
Shutter speeds available range from 1/3200 seconds to 15 seconds.
Lag is almost non existent, I was impressed by the overall speed of the camera, be it in shooting or playback, the Digic II processor is a lot faster than its predecessor. I was used to a Canon G5 whose speed was already pretty respectable, but I was blown away when I got the S2 IS. It is a whole lot faster.
The Auto Focus sometimes takes time in low light low contrast situations but that's normal, and I then use a higher contrast object that is at the same distance to set the focus and then recompose the photo.

Sriram said...

Your blog is pretty enjoyable, especially since it gave me one more instance of how people have similar thoughts, whereever they are from. Keep up with posting your photos and stuff, and don't ever get into a "bad mood". It just isn't worth it :)

MoonLightShadow said...

That one of the moon is amazing.

Christian said...

Thanks Sriram! I hope I can do what you said and never get into a bad mood, it's not easy though :)

Moonlightshadow, Yeah, I figured you'd be interested in that one of the moon :) I have another one but of a full moon, could either send to you or post it here later

MoonLightShadow said...

Yeah.. I'm interested in that one of the full moon, would love to see it.