Saturday, July 16, 2005

Outings, Concerts, and a Birthday :)

Last week started with me going on a trip to bad mood land. Not anymore though.
Because mid week just when I was about to hit rock bottom, Nuni calls, she tells me we could go out, I warn her that I won't be all that much fun to hang around given the current mood (and the fact that I'm usually not all that much fun even in good moods), she dismissed my remarks. So I pick her up and we drive around without a destination for a while till grecko is mentioned, I find out that she loves it too so we head to grecko.

We chat for a while, look at coldwell banker's guide to find some villas and houses costing 17 million EGP, and then she unveils a gold mine.

Out of her purse, Nuni takes out an old penguin book entitled "Test your IQ" or something like that. It contains some introduction about IQ testing and then 5 full IQ tests, with answers and scoring charts. I've always liked IQ tests, turns out nuni does too (and she's real good at them). So for the first time I collaboratively work on an IQ test with someone.
And it was soooo much fun. We thought, and we laughed at how similar our thoughts are sometimes, and at how different they are at other times. Nuni enthusiastically mentions something about a "sea dog", and then I sarcastically point out there is no such thing, a few seconds and she remembers it's called a "seal" in English and that "sea dog" is the word for word translation for what a seal is called in Arabic (Kalb el ba7r) (While writing this I found out through merriam webster online that a sea dog is in fact "a veteran sailor")

It sounds like a very strange thing to do on an outing (specially with someone as attractive as nuni *wink* *wink*) but it was very novel and so much fun. We head home at around 11, chat a bit, and she buys me dark chocolate on the way home. Nuni if you're reading, you had made my day, Thank you :)))

On Wednesday I learn that WAMA (an Egyptian 4 boy band) are doing a concert in El Sakya so I pick up Amgad and Heba (who sadly are "virtual" people in the sense that they only exist offline with no online presence), and we head to the concert. It was so much fun, although I was disappointed with their performance. Their voices were week, they were out of breath with all the jumping they had to do on stage, and they used lots of playback throughout the concert. They even sang out of tune sometimes and in one very ironic incident, forgot the lyrics. Not professional at all to say the least. Althought I'd still enjoyed the concert "mood", the loud cheers from the attendees, and the general atmosphere.

Come Thursday, and Duke's birthday party :D
I'd originally planned writing about this in the same post but I think it's getting way too long now. So I'll save it for a post to come tomorrow isa.
Ciao Ciao

1 comment:

Christian said...

Welcome back Adam's mom!
You seem to have your eyes set on my spell checker title :)
Be warned though, it's more of a responsibility and less of a luxury than people normally think.