Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Question marks

Well, I used to write poetry and sonnets (in English, could never do it in Arabic), but that was long ago, back in high school to be precise.

I don't think I've written anything since then, up until today. I have no idea what brought it up. But I felt like writing something, so I did. I don't know if it's any good, but the one person who'd read it gave me kind of positive feedback (Thanks Tiny!), although she'd advised me not to blog it :)

So without further ado I present you my piece, that I called "Question Marks".
Needless to say, your feedback is highly seeked and appreciated. Hoping you enjoy it.

Question Marks:
Did you ever ache hearing a song?
Did you ever feel like you need to belong?

Loneliness never killed anybody, or did it?

Do you know exactly what you're looking for?
Are you sure you never ran into it before?

Why do things have to be like that, or do they?

If you're a victim, what are you a victim of?
If you're not, then what are you accused of?

It's you who's doing this to yourself, or is it?


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it.. Keep it up.. I think u could do even better than that!! :-)

Christian said...

Thanks Sara! :)

The Duke of Darkness said...

I like it Chris. keep on writing and sharing it with us:)

Anonymous said...

Hey u're imroving!!!
what if i publish some of ur old (high school) work and see what ur audience will think of it??;)

Christian said...

"imroving" ah :P
My little sister trying to do some blackmail... What ever happened to brothers and sisters :pp