Monday, September 19, 2005

The Final Countdown - 3

Only a little less than 72 hours remaining.

Was a relatively quiet day today (practically yesterday now that it's 3 am), a visit to the dentist, a quick drive to get my passport from the shipping company, and a night with friends.
I left my friends at 1 am but didn't feel like going home, instead I went for a cruise around Cairo and some time by the Nile in my favorite spot in Zamalek (yes, alone). Was quite pleasant albeit tinted with I'm-sure-gonna-miss-this feeling.

I feel weird, it's one thing to feel nostalgic or homesick and another thing to just sit and wait for it to happen. Sometimes the wait is even harder.

Beginning to get nervous about the few coming days, so many last-times and so many first-times to expect. It's very perplexing....

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