Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Final Countdown - 7

Well I've actually been trying to restrain myself from writing for so long now. Because if I do it'd be about my impending relocation, it's getting very close. 7 days from now to be exact, on the 23rd of September at 3 am I should be on a plane heading to Amsterdam, and then ultimately another one going to Seattle Tacoma international airport.

And I don't wanna write about it, because writing makes me think (it's why I started writing in my blog actually, it gives me chance to reflect upon my every day occurences), thinking would most probably upset me. Because I'd be more aware of all the "sad" aspects of relocating. Leaving family, friends, everything one knows is not easy at all.

I always knew I wanted to relocate to a developed country (rather than the "developing one" I was born in), I've always seeked it. But it's one thing to have a dream, and a whole other thing when you're that close to realizing it. It just keeps getting scarier, and sadder, the more it's getting real.

I now have 7 days left, and God knows when my next time with my friends and family will be. I don't have plans for coming back (except for vacations of course), I don't really have plans for staying over there either, but it's just that I'm gonna go and see how things are and decide. Rationally though, I don't think there is something to get me back here (except family which I could later bring in to the US).

It's all very confusing, and I really don't wanna think about it too much so I'll just stop here.


Carol said...

I couldn't talk to you about it, face to face, i know if i even try i would just break down and cry, i do cry alone whenever i think that my most supportive helpful and kind brother is going away...but i also get to remind myself that this has been ur dream for so long so we all have to let go of you so u'd achieve it. So all i can say is God be with you,we'll all always be there for you and take good care of yourself.I Love You

Anonymous said...

…………………………… I can’t find any word to express my sadness felling for your departure but my tears in the zero moment at the airport and now were express my true sad felling.
In past we could see every body almost daily, we solved all our problems by our discussion, but now I can’t know how I can pass my hard times.

For every body read these words:
We are three best friends (Amged – Michael - Christian) from 12 or 13 years.
Now we lose the head of our triangle by the long distance, huge oceans and impossible visa to USA. PLEASE pray to us to be together ever again in any where all over the world.