Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sight Seeing in Seattle -Part I

So today (Sunday) we went to Seattle, this is my 3rd time to go there overall and first time to visit in the morning. Weather was super fine and traffic is usually excellent here on Sundays so we decided to go for it.

We were in Seattle at around 1:30 or 2pm and we kept wandering around till 6:30pm, then we went back to chili's at bellevue because Helal had to eat as he was fasting (Ramadan, kol sana wento tayebeen:) ).
Seattle seems to be a very rich city, not in a monetary way, but rather rich in places, events, happenings, people, everything. I enjoyed every second and made sure Helal and Mostafa were constantly annoyed by taking a 103 photos. Helal is probably thinking about founding the official hate club for my blog and my camera (along with Khalid). However, don't hold your breath, the photos are nowehere as good as they could be, I was just snapping as fast as I could and in many cases from inside the car. Also no photos whatsoever will be able to capture the real thing. Seattle has lots of beautiful places and you just have to be there to capture the full ambience of some places like the public market and lake washington.

Anyway, without much further ado, I present to you some of the pics in this edition with a promise to post some more tomorrow.
As always, you can click on any photo for a larger version.

Over Lake Washington
Over lake Washington
One of my favorite sightings, on the bridge crossing lake Washington, the photo doesn't really do it any justice, it's just breath taking everywhere you look

Tall Buildings1
These are common place in Seattle, more to come in the next edition.

Public Market
The Public Market
One of the must-visits in Seattle

Florist In Public Market
Florist in the public market area
One of the virtually infinite shops on the public market, a very busy and diverse place.

Stair step streets
Streets in Seattle
What I call stair step streets, looks very much like how they show San Fransisco in the movies, the altitudes vary so much in the city and lots of the streets looks like this with amazingly steep slopes, you do get the feeling that you're going to hit the floor when you're driving down those and going up on foot is an exercise in itself.


Mohamed Moshrif said...

No Comment!!!

By the way, did you know that me and Mostafa are probably gonna have our visas in next October :'( ?!!

Anonymous said...

The official market name is Pike Place Market, and it DOES have its Own web site. I hope you got to see the salmon throwing "show" while wou were there :-)

Anonymous said...

what is that black trash bag on the right side in the Resize0015.jpg photo (the lake)?
are u sure u r not sending photos from egypt ? :P

Christian said...

hehehe weird I've never noticed that.
I assure you this is my first time to see something like that actually, very weird.
Good observation though ;)

Christian said...

Thanks for the information Mr. anonymous :) I knew it had "pike" in its name but I was not sure.
Unfortunately I didn't see the salmon throwing show, when is that usually on? :)

Anonymous said...

Re: Salmon throwing, it takes place all the time at the fish store (Halaqet-Elsamak a la Seattle). You get tp see those guys who work there throwing those huge Salmons to one another when a customer orders one - making a big show out of it (with audio sound effects). I saw it back in 98 and will try to sneak out of Super Computing 05 to walk around the market, and watch some salmon being thrown around - if they still do it :-)